Kage & Niten Seminar
July 14 - 16, 2023
Instructor: Colin Watkin, Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu Menkyo and Shihan of Kage Ryu Choken Battojutsu
Tombo Dojo - 452 Red Bay Rd, Mar, ON
Please contact Rachel Brown with any questions: brownr@uoguelph.ca
The registration fees are: $140 per day, $250 for the weekend
Please send fees by EMT only to brownr@uoguelph.ca.
Tentative schedule (subject to change):
- evening: HNIR / Kageryu (Kim’s cabin)
- Morning: HNIR (Kim’s cabin)
- Afternoon: Kageryu (outdoors at the Red Bay Lodge)
- Morning: HNIR (Kim’s cabin)
- Afternoon: Kageryu (outdoors at the Red Bay Lodge - short class, since some folks might need to go home early)
Free accommodations:
Staying at Kim’s cabin. We have some spare sleeping bags at the cabin, and room for around 8 people. You can also bring a tent and camp at Kim’s property.
Paid accommodations in the area:
- Red Bay Lodge: https://redbaylodge.com/
- Various cottages in the neighbourhood available through Airbnb.
- Breakfast and lunch at the cabin. We will provide breakfast (oatmeal/cereal/yogurt/toast/etc.) and lunch (BBQ burgers/sausages). For dinner and beers, we usually go to the Red Bay Lodge.